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Summer Enrichment Class

Tuition - $60 / class

Capacity - 10 students / class

Registration Deadline - May 24, 2021

Introduction to Note Reading



June 5

June 6

June 12

June 13

11 AM - 12 PM

(60 min)



June 7 - 11

12 - 12:45 PM

(45 min)

In this intro class, we will learn to make the connection between knowing the musical alphabets and recognizing them on sheet music, and make the association of notation to the instrument. We will also learn to read basic rhythms that are found in Suzuki Book 1. Lastly, we will dance to those rhythms! In addition to student’s instrument, please prepare index cards, notebook, staff paper (print from info email after registration) and pens/markers. 


Teacher: Pei-Ju Wu

Intermediate Note Reading Class 

July 12 - 16

10:00 - 10:45 AM



For those who are comfortable reading music from the Suzuki book they are working on now, we’ll dig a little deeper on the more complex rhythms and internalize them with body movements. We’ll also talk about time signatures, touch on basic conducting, and do some sight reading exercises. (Requirement: being able to keep a steady beat, understand 4er note, 8th note, 16th note, 1/2 note, whole note, and dotted note. Check with your teacher if you are unsure.) please prepare index cards, notebook, staff paper (print from info email after registration) and pens/markers. 


Teacher: Pei-Ju Wu

Adult Violin Group Class

June 14 - July 18

Mondays @ 7:30 PM

(60 min)



Teacher: Sarah Dennis



Chamber Music for Books 1-3

June 14 - July 18

Mondays @ 6:30 - 7:15 PM


Teacher: Sarah Nordlund

Adult Violin
Chamber Music

STEP Birmingham

- STEP Birmingham -

Violin lessons, viola lessons, and cello lessons for students ages 4 to adult

© Copyright 2024 by STEP Birmingham


3201 Lorna Road

Birmingham, AL 35216

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