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BabySTEPs is a Suzuki Early Childhood Education music class for children ages newborn through three and their parents.


No prior music experience is required


Suzuki Early Childhood Education classes use a constant curriculum of songs and nursery rhymes to allow each child to progress at his or her own pace in a nurturing environment. Children learn songs through repetition and frequent home listening, just as they will in instrumental lessons. By the end of the three-year course, children have mastered the material and are ready begin studying an instrument with a STEP faculty member. You will be amazed at what your child can do!

Baby + Music

“Babies have a natural responsiveness to music that is pleasurable for them. Singing and listening to music are ways to develop this bond with your child.”

- Dr. Leon Thurman & Anna Peter Langness, Heartsongs.

About BabySTEPs


BabySTEPs is a Suzuki Early Childhood Education music class for children ages newborn through 3 and their parents. Each hour-long class features a variety of fun, fast-paced activities, including:


  • Songs

  • Nursery Rhymes

  • Percussion Instruments

  • Movement to Music

  • Musical Games

  • Story Time


BabySTEPs nurtures a variety of important developmental skills:


  • Listening

  • Language and Literacy

  • Coordination

  • Memory

  • Self-Expression

  • Musical Pitch and Rhythm

  • Counting

  • Group Cooperation

  • Confidence and Independence

Baby + Music


PARENTS, it's about you, too!

Parents actively take part in class with their child by singing along, participating in activities, and giving loving encouragement. Parents and children also enjoy listening to the class CD together at home.


No Babies too Young... well, almost

You can start bringing your baby to class as early as three weeks. A growing body of research is discovering that babies are constantly learning from their environment, even if that learning is not visible. In class, your baby will enjoy the music and react with pleasure to the sounds of instruments.


Active Child?

Have a lively toddler? Your little bundle of energy will love the quick pace of this class and the many opportunities for movement!

Class Reservation

6-Week BabySTEPS Summer Sessions

1st Session starts on June 1, 2019

2nd Session starts on July 13, 2019



- Classes are limited to 6-10 child/parent pairs -


All Summer Session classes are held on Saturdays at 10am. Additional classes may be added on Mondays at 10am. Please specify below if you would prefer a Monday morning class time!


BabySTEPs Reservation

STEP Birmingham

- STEP Birmingham -

Violin lessons, viola lessons, and cello lessons for students ages 4 to adult

© Copyright 2024 by STEP Birmingham


3201 Lorna Road

Birmingham, AL 35216

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